Section Council
Section Council
Elected Councillors
Chairman. Dennis Rowley. Email. Dennisr@Blueyonder.co.uk
Tel. – 01924211250
Vice Chairman. Paul Randall. Email. Prandall33@Aol.com
Tel – 07580825298
Hon Treasurer Anne Lambert. Email. Mcs_ablambert@Yahoo.co.uk
Tel – 07515015010
Secretary/ PRO / Webmaster. Kathy Giles. Email. Kathygiles@Mac.com
Tel. – 07951063401.
Membership Sec. Andrew Wilson. Email. Awilson6591@Gmail.com
MCS President. Mabel Shaw. Email. Mmshaw52@Icloud.com
Tel. – 07709623491.
Editor Waggoners Talk.– Bryan Giles. Email. Bryangiles@Me.com
Tel. – 07719640614.
Appt National Councillor. Dennis Rowley. Email. Dennisr@Blueyonder.co.uk
Tel. – 01924211250
Dep App Nat Councillor Colin Lang. Email. Colin.lang01@Gmail.com
Tel. – 01332739693. Mob. – 079599216125
Councillors Without Portfolio
John Lindsay. Tel. 07748968098.
June Pope. Email. Popjune@Hotmail.com
Ian Bott. Tel. 07859043911/07863121247
Derek Lambert Assistant Webmaster. Tel 07870533682
Appointed Area Councillors
Devon And Cornwall Area. – Jonathon Pope.Email. Popej@Hotmail.com
East Midlands Area. Bill Cooper.- Email. Billcooper60@Outlook.com
Midland Area. Lynne Lang. – Email. Lynne.lang60@Gmail.com
Northern Area. Carol Rowley. Email. Carolr@Virginmedia.com
Northwest Area. John Finney. – Tel. -07803 591068
Northern Ireland Area. Robert Cupples – Email. Mcsnisec@Gmail.com
Scottish Area. Andrew Wilson – Email. Awilson6591@Gmail.com
Southern Area. Paul Bastin. – Email. Pbastin@Blueyonder.com

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We hope to see you in a field soon...